I wish i was here, still, i wish i was here. I wish that this thrilling film had lasted for more years. The minutes and hours spun, your palm was in mine, warm, It was always the second hand i wish i had held on.
The quiet is now loud, a life has been muffed, well, i hear in this dead sound a crippling church bell. I see it, the golden domes, white walls and the old fence, with my lips as the closest for the silence to speak itself.
Oh, like gaffed dice in street craps are the seconds, how they fly, and only a picture traps her in a moment of time. But the mirrors are covered now, the chambers of heart - locked. Isn't it strange how life constantly gets mocked?
Yes, life constantly gets mocked, with its loves and its hot teas.
I wish i was here, still, i wish death has mocked me.