Ah, My love Shes the most Exotic flower At the High end Evening ball, And In any designer artisan shimmering dress Shes exquisitely Short yet gracefully tall And shes the most exquisite flower At the Midnights lakeshore Shes just that naturally amazing And charmingly great Shes even sweet in tweed And helps a friend in need
The Sweetest lady My oh my The Sweetest lady Her Beauty tenderly bakes, And its croissants and bouquets Come one Come All
Aw, The way she waves to crowds Is enchanting as the kisses of the rain Its like shes sweeping their clouds And blues away
The Sweetest lady My oh my She can drive one loves crazy The Sweetest lady My oh my You dont know to say to her Hey darling or hey honey Its quite good that shes pretty As the evening stars As much as Shes quite funny She has one writing ditties By Loves candles and moonlight
And Darling, Exotic honey Its Vineyard skies With our Love And the Rose moon Is Caressing doves My oh my The Sweetest lady Aw, we're just the rose blushes In Your Moonlit Silohuettes With The exotic folklore Of your Sweet beautys pirouhettes My oh My The Sweetest lady We feel an exquisite kind of love Thats uniquely carefree and not ironclad She makes the evenings Flowers, koalas, and poets glad With Sweet moons
Aw, my oh my The Sweetest lady And with the rain and Diamond moons You feel it too Were crazy and blind for you, Our love is sweetly crazy and blind for you The Sweetest lady My oh My You make my Love long As the days for midnights with the sunflowers Irises And roses In heavenly and exotic repose To Sweetly Sing Blush and Sigh For The Sweetest lady My oh my My oh my My oh my