The symphony of empty spaces Is filled with heaviness It's happening That often my heart races Isn't it obvious?
My shoulders are shrugged-frozen I'm feeling vulnerably-naked My body's saturated by Insecurity, it's shaking Constantly Making me believe I was not enough To truly live and love
Yesterday rediscovered Where these feelings come from Their roots were uncovered In my childhood home
In those early years Reoccurring fears To lose a loved one..
Now, what happened back then Is obviously over, But my body still plays pretend, As if those times would never end...
It seems as though I was stuck in those feelings forever, Trying to fit in the modern world feels like a futile marathon, Never quite reaching any destination, My path can only lead me to obliteration...
The only question left is - can I handle this? If I do have enough determination.. Cause to escape the abyss, I will have to learn to fly, This question is not one of a lifetime, The action happens in the present moment by decision... I shall embrace every feelings-collision.
Open end in this process. My path can hopefully lead me to an obliteration of old patterns. Growing new ones daily, every tiny step counts. I trust my intuition to guide me.