Many strangers transverse repetition Godly on the minds of the saintly Seduction blowing up all battleships And if you're naughty, she'll have her whip
She has reddened so many bums like hotdogs Sometimes its easier for lust over the crops A stranger in your house and loves to lounge about Wave your magic wand but it won't give in to her touts.
There's nothing, in the water, Just the bees above hovering A change of wind with sway of trees
There's empty alleyways, no beauty but decay No female should traverse, God won't put your pain in reverse.
There's a breeze that catches sneezes and Angels once set on believing and a little thing called the odds, Die a penny-less worthless sod Or the poison of captured catfish, Die upon the moon you make a wish, But there's no second chances when God made trick or treat.