Daddy dibble-dabbled in his fatherly duties knew he cared and that we mattered to him but who'd’ve thought I'd be the wizard with the words based on his influence // lay the magic in the music cause I handle the flow, no question focused on growth, til I’m known for wise investments To age with grace, I’m manifesting it all Til it evolves, yeah, it’s so incredible To be engulfed in the process of conscious involvement Know it takes ***** cause it could take a whole lifetime to profit Even when results are losses, mark your target The stars shine brightest in the darkest, farthest hours of the night til it's time to harvest, plant your seeds, you’ll shine regardless Trust your garden; seen the tallest trees withstand the breeze ‘cause their roots run deep into abysses That’s an analogy, you better find your niche Every step you take is a trail you’ll leave But when you find that edge, you’ll find it’s peace and when the journey ends, you’ll stay wondering if you were rushing in Did you have separate plans? All the time you had turned into memories And it's just you in the corner singing, regrettably, "Me olvidé de vivir."