Looking at her. Take a glance, there she was… all over the place, yet so beautiful you think to yourself, but you just don’t get it. “How can others not get it? they look at you and not fall for you! of course, they are going to regret it.”
She goes on about her heartaches and troubles, wishing you could go back in time to tell them how stupid they were, and with a smirk on your face, they would know, it is now your turn.
You look at her worried, about her smile, about her lips, about her arms, about her weight, and all the things that drive her crazy. Yet you think to yourself of how it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve laid eyes on.
You simply observe, but neither does she understand the power she holds, or maybe she does. But she doesn’t make a big deal of it and that makes her more beautiful.
All that ******* power one “hi” is enough to poison you one kiss on the cheek, now you are impregnated with that perfume, that smell… it sneaks through your pillow, whispers to your ear reminding you to think of her.
You look in front of you as she stands so calmly thinking how lucky you got that you get to love her. And now you promise, You will take every chance to remind her, that you love her.