Yesterday, I was minding my own business, feeling good and then my brother called to tell me to turn on the tube. ***, excuse me here, it was another all-time Trump **** show. I could not believe the words and actions of our nations non-Presidential President and rabid lap dog VP. I was shocked and sadly embarrassed by their behavior. When I wonder will my 74 million mistaken and fellow Americans wake up and realize that they have voted for an egotistical sociopath to fill the most powerful office in the world, who may now blow up that world.
And what else does it take for all those spineless men and women in the US Congress, Senate and the Courts who meekly kneel and kiss their leaders ring, to stand up and speak out, take some actions that rectify their unfathomable silence and misguided allegiance to a megalomaniac that would be King and actually already believes that he is.
I felt a little sick by these latest events. I turned off the tube after two hours of that **** show, but my blood was still boiling. Needed to go take some Tylenol and watch some feel good Nature channel. Cleanse my soul a little bit with the sight and sounds of Birds, Trees and Flowers in and around a mountain meadow.
A day later I'm still shocked and sick at heart. I fear tuning into any breaking news and talking heads. My blood pressure can only take so much.