Seasonal Like allergens I’m puffy-faced, Annoyed by the presence. Hoping you catch the drift Before I blow my nose like a car horn “Out of my way” Always with your static traffic Conjecture and loose metaphors.
Temper on the rise like the temperature And the temperament I use could quell a blade Lest you challenge the sharpness of my tongue And the ways I can cut you with precision.
Fractal pieces Of broken mirror Shows you and you alone And you can’t face you So how do you suppose I can?
No, you don’t seem to get this- You’re parasitic like a leech Or worse yet a bed bug You infest with unwanted reverie, And spread your insipid tragedies ******* my oxygen - and I’m asthmatic So I puff on the albuterol like a lit cigarette I hope you get the drift.
You don’t No, you can’t read a room Third-grade level intellect Wrapped in middle-aged mold, A pustulant excrement that speaks flatulence And I can smell you from across the street.
Just shh… Take it somewhere else, Let me herd you to a new shepherd I have no use for a lolcow, The milk is sour and you’re not my kind of cheese Sleazing on anything that breathes, You’d breed with a steer if it had the parts Create a satyr as dim-witted as you, At least then I could use this buckshot.
Memory will forget you Like history missed you, Nothing garnered or gained A name that means nothing, Just pass like wind - And cease your prattling.