The courage to encourage (‘tis no accident the overlapping of these two words) <•> tilling the fields of beautifully and freshly seeded words, gift wrapped in the essays of the experimenting, carefully and carelessly toe dipping in the tooling of shapes and paintings sourced from a mere handful of twenty six water colors,
in fresh water streaming waterfalls of: knew new eyes new words newly hewn combinations
all upon the early morn bluey sketch, against a noisy background of a new day’s first blushing
when the rested brain is so, so receptive to newness, itself a word of a délicieuse lovely phonic mouth treat
at 6:35an on an ordinary Thursday
and now an extraordinary Thursday, when my inbox of old eyes is delighted and crinkly smiling at the enduring uncovering of daring, earning while yearning, poets eager to give us freely the first fruits of their hybrid creations
makes an old man weep new tears, to accompany him till the end of the day,
each tear a diatom of lace upon an endless river of, well, the everything,
a knitting of letters flaring up with a robust, Hey!