“Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions.“ <•> these governmental agencies a veritable,, gala of cords of words, have an urgency that is an unintended poetry capture
the hazards of life and their associated cruelty oft brings out the very finest of the best of us, lurking in the innerest depths we studiously avoid lest we be embarrassed or tearfully fulfilled
Remain in port! (venture forth to save a life, even your own)
Seek safe harbor! (secure your internal best)
Alter course! (there isn’t a single path, that doesn’t consist of thousands of minute course corrections)
Secure the vessel! (the first commandment, your primary obligatory to your first, the us, the rest)
for the most hazardous conditions you’ll face, are your own self-imposed roadblocks and diversions, overcome these is the hardest, but success is freeing in a way that makes you love this ephemeral, always refining de~fining yet obtainable potion of honest/to/goodness
true freedom
addendum ———- discard, ignore be wary of those who fallback on icebergs of curses sandbag of ice Shoals beneath the water surface and when they, reduced to bile infected falling back on vulgarities and curses, this the mist removal line should never crook or cross Let them sink below the waterline for their talent is compromised, and they fail to understand and comprehend that poetry is intended to inspire the commonality that blends this potpourri of im ourinternational collective who value the collective spirit that informs our poetry
oh yeah “**** my dck” fouls this temperate commune of politesse architecture here, wounding us all
give us no more these badwordsoffensive* worse, tools of the poorly pathetic thumb of the inarticulate, in one so talented