If you are married Or in love Valentine’s Day Comes from Cupid Angel’s up above
Deliveries to work are gifts Of candy and flowers Evening plan a romantic Candlelight dinner for hours Followed by Hugs and endless kisses Many sweet untold wishes
However if you are Alone or single, This day is an empty heart That sadly tingles
One by one coworkers Received their deliveries Their glances of pity Only added to my misery
Their words of sympathy Only deep into my pain Hoping the day would end Before I go insane
Now Hurtful memories of Old versus New Dinner for one Instead of two
There was a time when I too receive my deliveries Before the days of Now and my misery
My gallant man, love of my life Did not come home. I spent Valentine’s Day Staring out the window alone Waiting by the phone.
I cried myself to sleep I thought life Could not be more bleak For a young newly wed wife.
He came home After a night at the bar He had bought Flowers But left them in the car
The next day When I awoke, Not a word between us, We spoke
He had retrieved the Flowers from the car placed them in a vase. You should’ve seen The look on my face.
A dozen Once beautiful long stemmed roses Had wilted Like our love Empty and jilted
I silently took A pair of scissors From the drawer by the bed
Cutting the roses one by one At the base Of the bulb head
My husband Said nothing, Only Shook his head
He Closed his eyes To the Shame blame Game
I set the Scissors down Without Placing blame
I made it clear I never want roses On valentine’s Day We never spoke of it. What was the point Anyway
Valentine’s Day Is a memory Rubbed in my face, Bittersweet sadness Takes love’s place
Today 2025 42 Valentine ‘s Days We whether together
We have learned to let Our hurt go Only then Can we trust and grow
Our love Carried us through All the turbulence If you only knew
A relationship Takes it’s toll Staying together Instead of letting go
People ask, what is your secret for staying together?
Forgiveness patience And unconditional love Are gracious gifts From God In Heaven above
Every Day is Valentine’s Day
Inspired songs 1970-1989 These are love songs from my life There were too many others to list. These will suffice.
1)she believes in me Kenny Rogers 2) always and forever Kenny Rogers 3) through the years Kenny Roger 4) in our old age, Kenny Rogers
Footnote The first draft of this poem was written in 1987. It was our second year married. I rewritten this poem in several different versions and formats tweaking it along the way still never finding it right but each time getting a little closer to perfect perfection.
BLT Webster’s Word of the day challenge 2-13-25 gallant Someone or some thing described as gallant is very courageous and brave Gallant is also sometimes used to be large and impressive or to describe someone who has or shows politeness and respect for women