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Oct 2013
Today I write an ode to Joe’s
Procurator, seller, and trader 
For my better half it is your coffees
For me, your store entire, for
Your bounty fills my refrigerator
Treasures spicy from India, Japan
Brought to us by your Trader San
From south of the border 
Travel goodies galore-a 
Compliments of Trader Jose
Then there’s Trader Giotto from Italy
Without a doubt, his yummies call me
There are Jo-Jo’s, curries, oh cho-co-late sweet
And did I mention lotions for feet
There is Pilgrim Joe’s and Trader Ming’s
Who bring to us the finer things 
The wines, the drinks, the healthy oils
I dream at night of all your spoils
By way of mention, I cannot forget 
Baker Josef who serves to us
Tasty bagels, delicious baguettes
Arabian Joe’s and Joseph Brau
Bring us falafels and rings in our beer 
Oh, Trader Johann's and Trader Jacques'
For bodies clean and lips that are fresh
Your Joe's Kids keep mummy's happy
Trader Darwin's help us all stay healthy
Did I, could I, miss anyone? 
Don’t want to leave out even one
Your marinated meats, your frozen treats
From Diner Joe’s there are lunches quick 
For us working stiffs, his heat-n-eats
Oh, pumpkin scones and cereal O’s
I should not forget your sample bar 
Where tastys await to test for my plate
And did I say how amazing you are?
While others sell just fluff and stuff
Of your yummy goodness
I cannot get enough
So if one day soon the Joe’s disappear
I’ll not fret, no i’ll not fear
On me for sure you can count the cause
Right down to your last breadcrumb
For shelves will be bursting in my garage
Where I'll be holding them all, without ransom
Post Script

Dear Trader Joe’s, 
I assure you I am no threat, quite harmless really; this is merely poetic expression. I promise I would never harm your traders for that would make me a traitor of another kind, a sin second only to harming Santa Claus...
and what peace-loving, child-hugging, lovable lad would ever do that.
Yours Truly,

Dearest Reader,
If you don’t have the Trader in a neighborhood near you, I truly feel only the deepest of sadness for you, for I say eat Joe’s...  or do not eat at all.
A TJ’s Fan

for those interested:
SE Reimer
Written by
SE Reimer  Pacific NW
(Pacific NW)   
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