men we fall, we break, we hit the ground but what are we made of? strength that isn't ours get back up brother
I won't let you die this way
it doesn't matter how hard, or how many times we fall if someone is here to pick you up or not there is only one answer
get back up brother
For those who fell and no one's around to pull you up every day is the sound of death calling your name every voice in your mind is saying you're broken unfixable every word spoken to you you're hoping to hear one bit, "I hear you, I see you, I love you, I'm proud of you" but instead, "hey how long until you're done with __?" or even silence the whole world rejects you the universe set itself against you The Creator is Set to Crush You
but with muscles tight and clenched teeth and flooded eyes
you say, I Will Not Die Like This
O Jacob O Israel
Wrestle, & do not ever let go.
and to you sisters as well! Dearest women of resilience! Love to you as well
May we always have a friend or stranger to offer us a hand when we are down