When the sun waves farewell I'll keep my rendezvous With Love, in a sanctum well-hidden from view; To the Tower of Happiness together we'll climb, It won't be long now . . . just a matter of time
After turning and tossing in anxious despair, Sleep overtakes, and untamed joy fills the air; For Love is the key that unlocks Heaven's door, And O, what marvels will be ours to explore!
These breathtaking thoughts stir the depths of my soul, And so to Love's edicts I relinquish control; The real world dissolves when Love's born of a dream -- Lovers dictate the rules and fashion the scheme
While Love owns the night, not a word need be spoken. But with dawn's first light the enchantment is broken; As I watch the darkness quickly slipping away, I implore the moon to persuade Night to stay
But their task has ended . . . there are rules to obey, And I tremble to witness the first light of day; Alone once again, roused from my fantasy I pray: Take the night then, but let the dream be!
But I know that tonight when the stars fill the sky, We'll meet in that Make-Believe land, Love and I, For dreamers know the hour when to secretly stray To their own magic realm, and love the night away!