When Hope is Deferred When you are at your lowest Your life seems null and void When your dreams are shattered The storm you can't avoid. There is a way to lift the heart A way you can be buoyed
You may believe it's all God's fault That's when you begin To cut your nose to spite your face You let the devil win
Because, my dears, IT'S HIS FAULT! That putrid, stinking LIAR! Don't let him get you mad at GOD and take you to the fire!
Turn on the Monster Satan At least give it a try Destroy his works where he lurks Give 'im a BLACK EYE!
WRITE A POEM ABOUT IT! Why not make it TWO! About the love of God above And how He has helped YOU!
Take the trip and flip the script Jesus is a friend No matter what the obstacles THIS IS NOT THE END!
Do not be despairing God's hand's not weak at ALL... Pray for good, it's understood
SoulSurvivor aka Write of Passage 2022
I'm going through some of the hardest times I've ever experienced. But I'm not going to be stuck in self-pity. What I'm going to do is destroy Satan's works by doing good. Forgiving my enemies. Praying for them. Praying for everything that I know it's along the lines of God's will. That's the best way to deal with this situation. God is still large and in charge! Amen