Not as easy as you think To speak honesty to the brink
Divers amusement for young and old Unpacking what media told
Poking the bear on radio air Without consequence or care
A Personality talented in fast tracking A growing fan base not lacking
Calling media out to their face Putting the lies in their place
Opine wit accuracy of fact Rarely do they need to walk it back
What they represent today Valid points of view THEIR way
A measure of character achieved When captivated people believed
When they admit they’re wrong Correction sings truth serum’s song
Wanderlust their show can travel the world Allowing their freedom flag to fly unfurled
Several personalities take time to familiarize With the nomenclature of every nature
Based solely on their character
Bringing issue to the light of day Many of which the media hides away
FYI I’ve been lackadaisical not doing my word in a day daily as I should. I thought it was more of a challenge to do several days together, but I like just bringing one word to light not to convolute the various words. However, I do appreciate a good challenge. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.!
Footnote I was never one of those who listen to radio news. My parents did( as I a child). I thought it was a waste of time. Now I hardly ever watch the regular news. It’s so slanted one way or the other. With these broadcasters, I mentioned they tell you they’re a personality not a news broadcaster I think that’s interesting. People are fed up with the way it was. I know I am.
The Great Rush Limbaugh Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlson, Glen Beck Sean Hannity, To name a select Few….
Inspired songs;
1) Here Is the News Electric Light Orchestra 1982
2)Bad News 1970 Johnny Jenkins
3) New York, New York (spreading the news) Frank Sinatra 1978
BLT Webster's word of the day challenge 1-24-25 Divers Is an adjective meaning “numbering more the one” 1-22-25 Opine To express an opinion about something 1-23-25 Wanderlust Refers to a strong desire to travel 1-25-25 Nomenclature A formal word that refers to a system of names that is specialized fields more broadly as synonyms with name and designation