I’m a man named Elon Musk - Rich beyond imagining; And I just bought myself a country. I get to say which way it goes And who will do my bidding. My monkeys are well trained and willing Waiting for my every word And I have many bold ideas.
I decide what papers print And who is running Germany. I may buy myself an island. Greenland may not be for sale But there are ways to cinch the deal If I decide I want it. Each dollar is a warrior And I control that army.
I’m a man of untold power Derived from marks on modern scrolls Stored in vaults of 1s and Os That multiply at my behest And give me rights the ancients never had To buy my way from Egypt’s sand Into the gilded halls of history Ensconced in Washington DC. ljm
We may have a President, but like it or not, we also have an Emperor and he wears handmade clothes.