there exists a subset of us, those who for whatever reason do not write, but “just” repost other’s work
Above see the word Just emboldened for this selfless task is justice inherent
For this act of bringing others to our over constrained attention is an action of justice, or more profoundly doing away with injustice of our human limitations
We could spend days entire pursuing the works of others, but life and the extraordinary demands of writing anew, when the spirit is upon us, are oft unable to spot, isolate, and highlight capture the best of the rest, and bless those who reorient our eyes away from our own bounded rivulets, to the tried and truly, away from habitual familial familiar good stuff, but bring us revelations of gems, caught within the mass maskings of missives that grows hourly, exponentially to out attention, to reorient our attention, to their filtered selections
Let us say in unison then a blessing of gratitude to The Reposters: *Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, to give thanks to those who enable others, to reach us this season