When they taught me I hardly paid them a heed now I know my teachers were benefactors indeed I regret the curses I held in my mind for them their punishments were blessings not something to condemn!
Sadly those days they seemed to point their gun on me for unlearned lessons homework not done for such small lapses the teachers made a huge fuss pulled my ears made me stand outside the class!
Some of them more zealous went a little far caned ******* the back plucked out my hair it appeared so barbaric at my expense their fun they only knew it wouldn't harm me in the long run!
Such punishments I did never willingly embrace ran around the room sending them on a chase in fueled fury with faces in anger red often flew their duster toward my head!
In life those torments have borne fruit the running around standing on one foot they have made my leg muscles quite strong helped me hold my balance without support for long!
My ears too have still remained intensely keen my hairs for my age haven't grown too thin the pulling and plucking had done me no harm but made my hair root healthy and firm!
*The teachers for sure were prudent and wise punishment they meted out was blessing in disguise so if you ever cursed them make amends and repent say, thank you dear teachers for all the punishment!