This ìs spoken word. I want to talk. Folks'll put you In a box. It has six sides. There's lots in stock. Works just like a Broken clock. It fits in life Two times a day. Once the cradle. Once the grave. Then they'll fix A label, TOO. Once it's on it STICKS LIKE GLUE.
There's a man Down on the street. Not someone you'd Want to meet. Drinks his meals So he won't eat... Shuffles 'round Sits on the curb. He's a "mumbler". He's "disturbed". Talks to self Because he's shunned. Got a label... He's a ***.
There's a woman Has no phone. Has twenty cats 'Coz she's alone. She talks to them When in the mood. She's so poor She eats their food. Yup. She has an Attitude... Has no husband Who'd get paid. On HER there are Labels laid... She's a SPINSTER. An OLD MAID.
There's a teen Who is arrested. He's a menace. It's attested. Nope. He's not Very nice. He is into drugs & vice. Is this "DELINQUENT" Past retrieval? Is he past knowing 'Coz he's evil?
Tie die. Peace sign. Kinda trippy. He's a "LONGHAIR" He's a "HIPPIE".
Is she lovely? Or "STUCK UP" He's a "DOG" The laughter's ****.
-------- [chorus] They aren't "NORMAL". They're "unstable". Slap 'em with a POST-IT LABEL. --------
There's a girl Who eats her pain. Downs her food Unrestrained. She's bulimic So she's "CRAZY" She may be "FAT" So she is "LAZY" Another on the "crazy" list... His anger's inward, He's depressed. He may drink So he's a "******". Here's another label... "LOSER"
Then there's the boy Who lashes out. Beats kids up. He's a lout. He is wild and He is wooly. He is labeled as a "BULLY". There's another Kid who's shy. So he gets the Blackened eye. He is "sraight" He don't get high. Nose in book, He goes unheard. What's his label? He's a "NERD".
There's a one We ALL know's BAD. She was ***** By her own dad. At age thirteen She's "knocked up". We ALL know her... She's a "****".
There's a man Who wears tattoos. Labels he will never lose. "WHITE TRASH" 'cuz He owns a bike. She likes women. She's a "****". She smokes fatties So she's a "stoner" He's just "weird" 'Coz he's a loner. He loves men, So he's a "***" She loves him So she's a "hag" How'd YOU like That odious tag? Let's all do The Label Rag! Don't it make the Tongues just wag? It's enough to MAKE YA GAG.
Tribal nation? I'll be brief. He's an "Indian" Call him "Chief" Does it make White egos bigger To call a black man "BOY" ? You snicker Is that wisdom Do ya figger? Whatcha think THAT'S gonna trigger? Will the term "*****" Do the trick? How 'bout "******"? How 'bout "****"? How 'bout "****"? That ***** Jew. Well. Let's take a look at YOU.
Look in the mirror. The view is free. Look in there! What do you see? Do you see yourself... Or ME?
Is there smoke? Are you deceived? What's th label You've received?
Look out dere! HERE COME DA JUDGE! 10 feet tall & has a GRUDGE! And since we're getting Really formal Got another label. NORMAL. You judge someone With capital blocks Cuz you can't read A CEREAL BOX? Is prejudice the Meal you eat? Label on that And it ain't WHEAT.
Yes. I'm white. And I am sixty. I ain't young. I ain't ****. But I'm a POET I can TALK. I have been Around th block. You don't like it You can WALK. YOU WON'T PUT ME IN A BOX. I wasn't a "******". I wasn't a "tweeker". Was a "CRACKHEAD". A ******* seeker. Finally got it in my head. There's another label.... DEAD
Yeah. I'm a Christian. "Jesus Freak" I'm not ashamed Because I seek! Believe'n sure don't Make me WEAK.
Yeah. I know it's Not in fashion... But this no joke. It's not a GAME. I got a label...
It's my NAME.
I got another Worth the seeing. Another "label"...