Full of dark and danger, I won't lie and say it's easy It's been a long road that I'm on And I admit that it used to be That I didn't even trust that road To stay under my feet. But you know what? I'm healing. I am. And one of these days Maybe normalcy Will come strolling along And take me by the hand And I'll be better I'll get better. Maybe someday soon I'll see what I couldn't see before That it's all been a road Just a path One that we all must take And it's going to be okay. I'm going to be okay Until then, I don't always trust the road But I'm trying To trust the one who paved it.
I think it's all going to be okay. I haven't seen that for a long time, but I do. I think it's going to be okay. I hope someday if and when the darkness falls again, I can look back at this and remember that: *I'm going to be okay*.