I scream into the empty space beyond "I'M HERE" But all I hear is my own scream echoed back
I scream out loud But there is no sound Except for my own echoes In my head
Its dark Empty Cold Crushing And you're the darkness
You're the darkness and he let you back in With his harsh words And zero remorse or genuine conviction of care
You're all around me You completely surrounded me I can't run I can't hide For its endless And I'm tired
You completely surrounded me As I drown myself red To add any colour to this dreadful dark But it's so dark that nothing could hope to ever see So the red flows black Nothing but a feeling Fleeting Eating me alive
I scream "PLEASE HELP I DON'T WANNA DROWN" But all I hear is a soft voiceless echo As my cries leave my mouth wordless So all that can be heard Is the silent echoes As I'm swallowed Now gone