There in the color of the stars, I found you beneath the blue skyline,
under the icy wind of my warm tired prayers, desiring your spirit.
In the garden of memories, we began so well.
The Coca-Cola wonders, the Yamaha thunder ride into the sunset,
The thousands of people in Texas-sized arena, where you stood like a princess with laughter, standing in white, standing with me,
nothing could take you away.
But years after years, the warmth of your hands,
started to bring memories of grief, the candle of your heart,
I held so carefully, only burned me - continually.
Even my prayers betrayed me -
the colors of stars turned only darker yellow
And when I waited for season of grace - I only was left with dances of eggshells, fire, brimstone, and smaller gifts and compliments.
In my endless love, I know if we wander,
it's not always lost, but times like these
make the bridge between your heart and mine,
just a wall of monstrous cactus, locusts, orbs of sorrow,
only sadness and pain I feel.
As soon as I step away, the planets seem to align, and
my prayers start to feel like home again.
And the silver necklace you gave me, becomes like a compass,
things go well, I find meaning and peace.
From these wintry nights or darker days -
from a broken heart, we both can be mended - I do know.
I hope you find me in the colors of the stars, in the speed of its gravity and
I can find you in the silver garden of memories,
when you love yourself again, and
walk long enough around your red beautiful home,
and if you are searching, asking
you can find the map of galaxies,
between you and I,
decades of light,
and all our prayers,
in my dark brown eyes.