My gut has been telling me to run My brain has been telling me to stay, and that “I’m okay” My gut wasn’t telling me to run for fun My gut wasn’t trying to be funny when it said that “You’re not okay” It’s telling me to run as if there’s something or someone dangerous in the area As if I were not safe where I was currently
This wasn’t hilarious This is dangerous Every few seconds with my headphones on Flicking my light switch to on Just to make sure there wasn’t anything in my room that can harm me I wouldn’t hear anything around me If I had my headphones on you see? I look like I’m insane But things are severely messing with my brain Even without headphones, I'm still panicked I hope I'm not getting tricked But I feel like someone is about to hit me Someone I can’t see The dark I can’t even bark Or my parents will get mad Saying that I’m mad Saying I’m insane And it’s “all in your brain” Forcing me to go to sleep when I obviously can’t Feeling like a useless ant
I can’t fight the feeling of hands away I just want to run away Just like my gut is telling me to do While my brain is telling me that’s the wrong thing to する The feeling as if my parents Were skinwalkers impersonating my parents Out to get me Makes me want to flee
Feeling as if I were being dramatic Feeling as if this was one of my gut’s antics Feeling scared Was never a thing I cared About Until I found out about The unwavering fear that holds me My gut telling me I’m just a piece of meat To eat
Hands are shaking Feeling my flesh baking Get me out of this oven that I despise
felt this feeling last night. i normally feel this feeling for no reason.