i declaim, even bellow, as she turn the a/c to below the below, to sleep deep, but then the chillers invade like an army of Orcs, now that my body fat now three Yules gone bye bye (and twenty yrs too late)
N.B. (FYI: she’s typically the one with frequently freezing appendages!)
She mocks my screaming, you are declaring decidedly, me to be the hottest man-nequin, with whom she has ever slept~in, has bed shared, for a consistent statiscally valid time of period, and the proofs she offers is by climbing aboard my chiller self , to steal my entire inner warmth, she being a skinny shapeshifting, luscious figure whose body temp barely registers 98 degrees (per Ouro device!)
i scream out loud, the neighbors knock, hearing me utter in agony “your cold body is burning me,” which with practice SHE~IT has learned to ignore for i am but the fly to be engorged in her Venus fly trap, suiting her purposes happily unwittingly
She tells me once again, baby, baby “you’re my heart’s desire, set me on fire, once is never enough of a man like you, do it again, one more time!”
and believing she suckeredme again wiley giggles loudly in my blueish ear