Hidden from true sight The mask shields my feelings it hides me from the light
i fear the truth underneath is to hideous to be seen the mask protects me from intrusion it holds the wicked thoughts and the absolute unclean underneath the mask i'm writhing with shame
my true identity has become lost as i've become unfamiliar, unfriendly even with my own name protecting or hiding the years have blurred the intent
i'm lost and confused all the time the mask has taken away everything that it meant i search for someone who would know my pain
i remove the mask for a moment and i would feel as i found someone, bu the flood of unclean would make me loose that again and again
The mask returns to hold back what is deep with in please dont look to hard i couldn't find anymore who understood any place to go, much to my chagrin this is what's here, what is and you what is not my mask is my shield it may not be the right way to be protected but its the only thing i've got