Starbucks latest stardash for yours truly, beginning of supposed summer [however summer began May 1st], demanding I make a purchase BEFORE 11AM, when my café wasn't open until 5am and I needed to be half an hour away on the clock by 5am, forced me to head in even earlier, stopping at a café by work which had only just opened for the day at 4:30am, and when I ordered an espresso, they said they'd accidentally prepared eggbites--did I want those for free with my espresso? What a treat!
Mist's hazy essence likeas ghosts whose pale Forms hulk and hunker down like sent'nals thence In silence watching aught which pass fr'intents, Detail morn even yet, as if to scale Half loth to vacate, ling'ring in the hale Eye of a Friday heat upon the dense Yet distant massy trees the valley's sense Of hidden joys boasts, as birds sweetly hail. The kale and 'shroom bites fragrant,want as t'were Bread with th'espresso, or else cream t'undo Its sharpness, and if romance flirts in tour Within mists' note, shall I say that all woo? My elbows swelled as if that's normal, stir Thyself to save us, LORD, for we need You.