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Oct 2013
Never Settle

Why is true love so hard to find,
all the stars must be perfectly aligned.
Sometime's it's right under your nose,
for some people it never shows.
Love could knocking at your door,
some people answer, some people ignore.
Love is being at the right place, at the right time,
for some it's an endless mountain, you must climb.
True love will always find a away,
a soul mate will never betray.
What ever you do, please don't settle,
hang tight and wait for the perfect rose petal.
Some find love a first sight,
some try hard with all their might.
It may take years to find your mate,
it could be destiny, it could be fate.
Might be a friend you've known forever,
then again it could happen never.
Getting no *** leaves you stressed and frustrated,
***** calls always end up being complicated.
Being alone is never fun,
the third wheel has been over done.
Use your hand when in doubt,
put an end to that long drought.
You might end up with a broken heart,
it happens to the dumb, it happens to the smart.
Whether you're young, or if you're old,
when you finally find love, tightly hold.
It may only happen once or twice,
true love is nothing but a roll of the dice.
Even if you're ugly, be optimistic,
love will find your one good characteristic.
If I can find love, so can you,
don't be fake, always be true.
Allen Wilbert
Written by
Allen Wilbert  florida
   Pure LOVE, Shang, lilpoiein, --- and ---
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