Your hands in the sand, Your pupils expand As light hits your eye before sound does.
The colors will land And sparkle And dance As joy hits your face when the sight does.
The crackles and pops, The crackers that hop, And bound ever higher in the air.
The dust as it sops, The stars as they drop And land in the grass at the fair.
And that’s how the fireworks get you, Touch your heart like the shower’s intent to. They’ll land in the glade where the tents had been made As the following show reinvents you. Your hands in the sand, Your pupils expand As the flame hits your eye when the scream does.
The now blazen land Will spread out And dance As the terror hits your face when the scene does.
The crackles and pops, The voices that hop And bound and ring in your ears.
The soot as it sops, The thuds as they drop And land in the ash as you feared.
And that’s how the fire works; It won’t touch you, but it’ll still hurt. See, there once was a glade where the tents had been made And a fire would make your heart burst
That’s just how the fire works.
we all flinch with our eyes wide open like deer at the terrible field fire of the family reunion