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Oct 2013
Mean... I hear this term a lot and I must say I'm getting pretty sick and tired of being told I'm mean.

So what if I'm sarcastic its a joke its never malicious

Yes I pull your leg sometimes but do you realize you do the same to me

What about the time I listened to you and your problems. Without mentioning anything about myself for hours

What about the time I dropped everything to help you. I didn't care about me or my plans you needed me and I was there.

But you have conveniently forgotten all of that.

Must be nice to have such a selective memory, I would love to have one but sadly I remember everything

I remember the time you were to busy to help me.

I remember how your problems are always greater than mine and that you can't listen to me for more than five minutes

Or the time you called me mean...
But its fine I don't mind being the bad guy because I know who I am and I won't change for anything

Because honestly dear your opinion is worthless to me now

And now you have full permission to call me mean

Because I'm defiantly not going to waist my time being nice to you ever again.
Unrequited Love
Written by
Unrequited Love
   Ena Alysopriono, Riken, Parker Smith, --- and -
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