1. But as of the present, I'm only into bookkeeping, As in I keep an eye on my assets. 2. Those complex ratios are absent. I'm currently into learning, Later, I might go deep. 3. I learnt non-medical sciences at school, Went on to read biotechnology at college, And ended up earning money in commerce. 4. Those ratios can obviously wait until I learn. I love what life till 33 has shown, So far, it has shone. 5. Haters will hate, Like potatoes will potate, The jealous will get deep-fried. 6. I have my tasks to shoot down, My affluence would increase. And parents will be proud. 7. This is the determination of the fallen—mine, All that, I'll humbly reclaim what I had lost, Alone or with a companion, it's to be seen.