We were like COMPADRES, we've been TOGETHER SINCE BIRTH, YOU WERE ALWAYS There for me, you also knew MY WORTH. You knew my EVERY THOUGHTS, PET PEEVES and so MUCH MORE, My (B.est F.riend F.orever), is what I TRULY ADORE. You were like (MY SHADOW), OH WAIT!!! That's what you are, even when I WALKED DISTANCE AWAY, YOU WERE NEVER, EVER TOO FAR!!! When I felt COLD AND LONELY, You were ALWAYS BY MY SIDE, You STAYED RIGHT UP ON ME, and You ALWAYS was MY GUIDE. When I felt like I was ALL ALONE the LONELINESS SEEMS to NEVER END, All I have to do is: LOOK OVER MY SHOULDER and there she is: MY SHADOWY FRIEND!!!