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Oct 2013
My Letter

This is a letter, I'm writing to me,
with paper that came from a tree.
Over forty and nothing accomplished,
thought by now, I'd be smoothly polished.
Life didn't turn out like I thought,
I did everything that I was taught.
When younger, found love once or twice,
each time, I learned while paying the price.
Have two kids I love dearly,
not seeing them every day, hurts severely.
Never knew life would be this complicated,
too easily, I get so aggravated.
Snapping at the smallest thing,
just once, I want to be a king.
Met a woman, I love a lot,
moved to Florida, where it's always hot.
Been in two major car accidents,
surviving both was so miraculous.
I've had my share of nervous breakdowns,
lived in my share of lonely towns.
All I ask for is my chance of fame,
for fifteen minutes, I'd play the game.
At this moment, my life ain't half bad,
sometime's I feel like I've been had.
Done my share of bad things,
karma sometimes badly stings.
Been so broke, lived in the streets,
been so rich, followers actually read my tweets.
Now I live with my best friend,
I'm hoping till the very end.
A letter to yourself is a great exercise,
learning about yourself, can make you wise.
This will end my hand written letter,
try it sometime, I promise you'll feel better.
Allen Wilbert
Written by
Allen Wilbert  florida
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