It's been almost 3 months since last we met Almost 3 months since the sun set On that day long ago, where we cherished great memories Of a friendship build steadfast on love and history A short time, yet a grand experience How glad I was, to see past life's interferance
I would have regret if I got sick of play games Cause my holidays wouldn't have been the same How I can use slang so openly is alarming When I try and act serious, your bring me down to earth, you're charming A week ends, but a bond doesn't I almost regret being so hesitant
An owl brings us close, carrying us away with its talons To you, a girl with many Talents And to I, who hopes to be valiant Do you see a mentor in me or a buddy?
Regardless, I cherish our time and hope that your pure heart never loses it's shine That you come to see the world as amazing as you made it feel and that you stay true to heart, and always keep it real
To a friend I haven't seen since December, I greatly miss them but appreciate the inspiration they left me with.