I cannot not remember my mother, whatever time...whatever day, during work or while viewing sunsets while relaxing...or while too stressed, her face...smiling or wearing a frown, or a tune of a song she used to sing, all these hover over everything around me, they dangle like tassels of memories, they make me recall more.
I cannot not remember the scents of flowers in my mother's garden that she used to grow and love, for they all still exist in my garden, dishes she used to cook for us, I now cook for my own family.
When a breeze brushes over me, i cannot not remember, how in the early mornings of her life, my mother had rushed to the church, to hear mass...to serve God 'til the last days of her life...she did, in every way.
I cannot not remember my own mother, for i saw in her how to be a mother and a grandmother with love, extreme effort and care.