You sit in your chair, calm and collected. Betraying no emotion or nerves You're a rock of composure But i see the tell tale trembling in your hands You clutch the threads of your worn pants in a vice grip Trying to hold back the creeping tide of tremors You lock your knees together in desperation Grit your teeth and clench your jaw But more and more, the cracks spread through your body And once again, the demons of anxiety run amok in your body Slamming the chambers of your heart with their thorny fists, Freezing your lungs with their icy breath Crowding out all lucid thoughts with their incoherent babble "Not again, not again, not again" "please stop, please" You cry in the shadowed recesses of the your own mind over and over Hiding from hounding demons But like always, the demons of anxiety do not heed words The silent battle is once again lost Your shame, cowardice and weak spine is laid bare to the eyes and judgment of the world I know the feeling I know you I am you