Happy Holidays: Always in my heart Dear son Shiv Heart of gold Blessed be your days Unforgettable be your holidays Greetings. ~~ I am always with you Dearest darlings my grown children my biological grandkids Tamally Mask I am always with you I love you adore you.
Tamally maak I am always with you No matter the trash that clouds your mind, Sickens you judgement; Discard those door mats
Tamally Mask You are always with me No jealousy divides us No malice, nor greed Today criminal minds, Impostor wanna be Moms are sunk and drowned we are always one. Lala Sassy Coco mother loves you. I am always with you. ~~ Ancient true love, Be my Knight Twin soul PC Rk Unsurmountable obstacles have fallen down
You remain in my heart, Ancient twin soul divine As you promised remain imaginary mine my best friend Joel.
keeping me company regardless of miles between creeping in uninvited. ~~~ Joy to poets who took time to read to comment to connect to write to keep me company Tamally Maak. You are always in my heart. ~~ By: Mr. and Mrs. Andrews