Nat writes: so many eddies colliding on the surface of a mighty river yes, there is something otherworldly here yes, even sacred, in the finest sense of that overburdened word
Ah, what you speak of is the very eye of God.
I see it in a Kaleidoscope of color perfectly balanced yet confusing all the same, and the beauty of it!
A chaotic comfort like adrenaline. The simple confidence of the knowing held together by a single point of reference.
His bright eye the Fulcrum
o_______o ^
between: The Sacred and Profane, teetering in perfect balance (For now)
between: Respiration (The In) and Exhalation (The Out) He resides in the pause between breaths
between: Air and Water (The Earth hovers within)
between: Eyes Open and Eyes Closed We live and die within the blink(s)
between: Connectivity and Breakage (Our true desires at the watershed of)
between: Out Loud and Silent (One without the other drives men mad)
Again Nat writes: we exist, we edit, our eddies, our overlapping lives, in a never ending series of Venn diagrams all delicately balanced at a single point