The deafening overwhelm of nothing When the credits fade Or the note hits its final crescendo The “thank you for watching” soundwaves enter your eardrums Your surroundings stare back, begging you to pay attention The clothes piles The ***** dishes Dust on shelves and countertops Everywhere is clutter Walking is a landmine Suddenly it hits: You can’t tell the difference between now and five days ago You know that something aches Maybe the chemical imbalance, maybe the loss of an old friend It could even be everything But it’s definitely something I can feel it every time I wake up and I smother myself back to sleep sometimes I won't even let myself use the bathroom But there’s plans in the diary And an exciting life laying the footpath ahead of me And yet The silence blasts in my ears And sores my eyes Hollowing me inside I’ve always been like this I just don’t know if I have it in me To roll up my sleeves And try again.