The smell of a cigarette will always bring me comfort And soon enough That taste that entered my lips Bought me comfort too The melancholy feeling of inhaling that smoke Exhaling it slowly As if it’s an unhealthy breathing technique I need when I’m panicking Breathe in, Breathe out The sadistic flavour lingers in your mouth for hours Reminding you of your relapse Your mistakes Reminding you that he will no longer love you if he smells the cancerous aroma on your breath You ******* up No matter how much it helps to inhale and exhale that smoke Taste that bitter flavour of tobacco Breathe in, Breathe out You quit once before to improve your health But here you are Breathing it in and out Until the guilt eats you alive And that smell of cigarette No longer reminds you of a simpler time But rather that you’re forever going to disappoint those you love The light on the cigarette goes out Just like the light inside of you You’re both dead And soon You’ll be discarded too.