You can mute yourself at will Or find you've hit mute in error.
On ocassion you might find someone has muted you.
You can go off camera. Observe and listen. Unseen, unheard. Ocassionally waving in the hope that you will be called upon to contribute to comment on the wisdom of others.
And after a while, on realising that you've gone unnoticed, unneeded, you give yourself permission to walk away, to simply listen in while making a cup of tea.
And after a while, you walk out, to test your necessity and you won't be surprised to find it wanting.
But then as you return. as you choose candour, bear your inward clarity raise your yellow hand, as you select unmute, unashamed click camera, unashamed and find room, find voice - then a sure screen will rise from the margins and their eyes will seek you out and the mic is yours.
I recommend the original Do Not Be Ashamed by Wendell Berry