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Mar 2023
Abortion pill,
if put in pharmacies
Allowing anyone,
regardless of age
no parent supervision

Home bathrooms
in America
Are turned into an
without trained help

They are advertising “it’s SAFE “
“ the same as taking a Tylenol”.

A girl holding a
20 to 24 week
in her hands
Wrapped in a ****** towel  
A Motionless, baby
(4 to 6 months old)

This young girl
told no one.
Her ***** secret
from the world
Now exposed  

Confusion, bewilderment
Her body shaking, in shock
she’s crying uncontrollably.

She walks into a birthing center
where pregnant mothers
Are Practicing lamaze.
Preparing for the birth
of their babies
Scared, she looks around
For a kind face
Help and understanding
They’re pregnant bellies
only adds to her pain

Clearing her throat,
her voice cracks,
choking on her tears
she yells
“what do I do with THIS?
“I was not told”
“ it was gonna be like this”!
“not what I went through”

She Tries not to remember
Vivid imagery
floods her mind
over and over in her head
She looks into the toilet to see
A head, arms, legs,
and lots of BLOOD.

Does she flush IT down?
Or scoop IT out?
try to rescue IT Or
Will IT need to be buried?
Is IT a person Or is IT trash?

Every time
she visits her home bathroom
she will relive
the horror of everything.
the totality of what happened,
sinks in. PTSD begins.

compound the situation;,
A body part left inside,
infection, hemorrhaging,
possible loss of her own life.

A woman’s right
One side see a BABY,
The other side, see IT
I was shocked and reading California’s new laws, indicating a woman can **** her born child up to 30 days after she gives birth. Postpartum depression perfect example of why you should not allow that to happen and if a doctor refuses is the doctor, the one who gets arrested? We are in scary time. In the day of ***** and Gomorrah, 3000 babies were offered to the gods so far 6 million abortions have been done in the United States. We are in the time of ***** and Gomorrah!
Written by
CJ Sutherland  63/U.S
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