A ninety mile per hour fastball Straight from the pitch An oncoming pair of headlights The crunch of my bones As she shatters my walls I thought I worked so hard to build
My blood on the pavement as I pour out My battered and bruised heart In all of its tiny pieces She is needle and a thread The stitch in my veins The Paramedics won’t be here anytime soon
The last choked bit of air I’ll breathe Will be full of you A song I will never finish singing But love the notes I’ve heard time and time again They will call a time of death upon arrival
The road was your kiss and I wanted to be all over it, So the rash is worth it The skin grafts, my mistakes from previous times I am patchwork at best, half a man, more parts to be used than a full package
My lungs were blackened from the smoke, but I’d give you them anyways if you asked, tear me limb from limb as you tell me you love me, brutally and with such cold tone
The metal twists my insides as I connect with the hood, my legs off the ground, kind of like how I feel when I’m with you, floating through the air, waiting for the fall.
The last cigarette in my pocket will never be burned, I never got around to telling you how I really felt. I knew the words, like a vice, would be poison to your lips
Sirens will line the street, the sole witness to a love letter unspoken in the rain, my blood washes down the ditch and soaks the grass. No one saw it coming