Under the bridge it flowed That thing called his life His dreams His goals His precious time Life force and joy. He stood on that bridge and watched... Life like a game of poo sticks Wondering at what point the moment would arise when he would engage Engage in a meaningful way Make contact Connect
But the bridge seemed so.... Well it seemed to be the most sensible place to be. Dry Safe Warm enough... And yet All he did was watch As other sailed by He was not satisfied. He lacked...
Yet there seemed like no obvious remedy No clear path No solution Like a man wishing to eat a mango without getting sticky Or wishing for a fine garden without getting soil beneath his finger nails.
Feel the earth my friend Let it paint a picture in your soul Let something take root deep within And give it time to grow... Let the process take time A tree does not grow in a day or a week or a month. You must keep this space safe and moist Cared for and nurtured So that over time. A plant may grow. This plant will be your joy Your heart Your elixir for life It will make you whole.