A well worn path in the grass A permanent smudge on the bell Both put there by U.P.S. Bringing me more of which I delve
Whether Infomercial or Shopping channel Maters not they're both the same I have both they're 800 numbers They have both my number and name
My family thinks I have a problem It's plain to me they don't understand Shopping and T.V...the best of worlds With remote grasped firmly in hand
And the deals, why they keep on coming 3 easy payments are done in a snap I might have a bit of a habit But it's not like I'm addicted to crack
Of course I only purchase what's needed Though every so often I do have to splurge But only if the object is shinny On that you do have my word
Now if you'll pardon me, here's a new item And they're getting ready to spill the deal By the way, I'm also expecting a package Would you kindly listen out for the bell