Sipping hot drink
from a silver mug
he feels immensely pleased,
so smug! Oh! he feels great,
what makes it so special?
not just the hot drink in the mug,
the mug,being sliver, takes him
to a new height
of well being,
why this,
he puts his thinking cap on
just a thought
with a coating of silver,
makes him feel
the golden glow
of being
bliss from a mere thought!
******* by a mere thought!!
the one that creates thoughts
has the bridle power to decide,
the state of being.
between one thought
and the next,
there is a swing,
he sits there, as mind
-a thought created by a thought,
of a forefather of yore,
right there in the beginning,
passed over to generations,
with a bit of genetic material,
DNA to be precise,
activated again by a thought.
If only he could still
his recurring waves of thoughts,
stop throwing stones
in to the tranquil pond,
inside the meditative mind,
the waves will sleep,
the bubbles will dissolve,
for ever in to its origin,
the first wave of creation,
the primordial hum
Om sweet Om
making him aware that
he is bliss itself.