Melancholia! there's magic in the word like 'male-genitalia', each syllable unslurred
and the term itself what images it conjures! as a mischievous elf intent on misadventures
with a black, sticky net 'gainst crimson sunset with sad secrets scary to capture the unwary
on his face a grin as he bows to you low, "howdy, please step right in" and oblivious, you go.
and then you are caught as he draws the string tight as you struggle for naught as the day becomes night
as all outside becomes blurred all syllables slurred everything of one colour, a dark, deathlike pallor
and then there's the sinking as you can't stop the thinking like repetitive gramophone with monotonous undertone over and over it draws you in further,
to no appetite complete lack of enjoyment, to no respite through own self-employment
feeling culpable for nothing at all, feel unlovable as you stare at blank wall.
Melancholia. What a beautiful word.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge #Melancholia