she said, slowly, the word dropping from her lips like the gentle uncorking of a stopped-up bottle.
"No, Maybe I won't do a great job.
I’ll do a FINE job, a GOOD job, a ~decent~ job, an O-KAY JOB, an ac cep table/ job.”
(First, she enunciated. Then, she spat.)
"Maybe--" --she paused, for breath or consideration as an overdue gleam found it's way into her countenance--
"Maybe I'll do a MEDIOCRE job. An AVERAGE job. A /much-to-be-desired/ job. Perhaps I'll do a SAD job, a SLOW job, a HACKNEYED job, a ~pathetic~ job!
MAYBE...", she paused again, as one should always do when giving a proclamation...
"...I'll do a BAD job.
Speech complete, she sat--heaving--with her knees pulled into her chest. After a good while and a few kicked clumpfuls of grass, she rose and returned to her life, doing just about as well what she had done before.