Behind the shades of eyes; does leave something much more desirable. Wettest eyes behind the blinds of time. I cherish those little moments—likewise the most we make out of them.
Shakes me keenly: like my shaking arm after hitting the funny bone. Careless laughs in good company; my stomach in knots. Tied between the twisting craze of advertising love--ours is intimate.(a secret place)
You're close to me; close as the tongue to it's teeth, speaking the word Love. Your name roles off the tongue out of my bright smile. (you give me summer in my mouth)
A month like no other, may I attest to your sight, ghostly; as the presence of you raises my skin hairs. My goosebumps of knowing you're near, and a extra beating heart—I'm out of breath.
Let me have a piece of eupnea, by a kiss I'd make as my last. Lungs of passion; passionately kissing each other.