I did it again, The seeking thing. Attention please! The pattern repeats. Oh my goodness, look at me. Watch my every movement from behind your sunglasses. Our passionate tension on display for the world to see. The pattern repeats. I seek fulfillment and you want to Give it to me, Yes, you do. The pattern repeats. When the sun sets And the sweat on our skin has dried We will meet in the forest. We know how this goes, The pattern repeats. I appreciate your willingness to help me Find whatever it is That I need. Oh, yes. The pattern, it repeats. Awareness, This thing that I do, To myself and him and you Is only a symptom of the problem So, The pattern repeats. Afraid to confront the truth. How devastating! The pattern repeats. Gazing up at you, I feel seen. Sink my spinning head into your heavy chest. The pattern repeats. The pattern repeats. The pattern repeats. You understand Exactly what it is that I need. It feels so beautiful to be Held and free. I will search for you again, And I know That you will show. Until it is broken, The pattern repeats.